Itch to explore with Off!
You’ve been stuck inside thanks to COVID. Your cabin fever’s reached peak levels. And now you have a nasty itch to get out and explore.

Off! Bug Spray is here to help.

Copy by Jason Kim, art direction and design by Aarti Thamma.

Magazine Scratch Ad


Scratch that itch!

The first part of our magazine ad. The top layer is a removable scratch card, similar to lottery tickets and gift card backs, and easy enough to remove with fingernails. Scratching it away reveals the rest of the ad below.


Magazine Ad: Part 2

Below the layer and the cathartic scratching, the rest of the ad is revealed! Off! Bug Spray is here to help people relieve their cabin fever and let them explore without fear of bugs or their nasty bites!



…and after!


In-store ads

This set of ads is meant for in-store placement, leading customers to their ultimate destination: Off!


BART/Mass Rail Transit Ads


Station Placement #1

This would be placed around subway/train stations and inside rail cars near the doors. The goal is to pique riders’ interest in going on outdoor adventures and exploring, all with the assistance of Off! to keep nasty insects away.

Station Placement #2

Our goal for this campaign is to help people set off on outdoor adventures that are new, safe, and most importantly, memorable.


This execution would live inside rail and subway cars, above seats. Each route would have its own variant, showing notable outdoor locations and landmarks present near specific stops.


Time's Up


Kit-Kat x Grubhub